3d X-Ray Visualisatie

Kwaliteit staat bij Mat-Tech voorop. That is why we have invested in a 3D X-ray ‘ultra-high performance micro focus’ inspection system. With the 3D X-ray we can very quickly create 2D- and 3D images of printed circuit boards (PCB), with a very high resolution. Thanks to X-rays the 3D X-ray can visualize connections, that are invisible for a microscope.

At Mat-tech, the 3D X-ray is mainly used for:

  • Opsporen van overbruggingen en kortsluiting
  • Opsporen van holtes in de soldering
  • Detectie van positionerings- en uitlijningsfouten op de printplaten
  • Analyse van andere soldeerfouten
  • Kwaliteitscontrole
  • Dichtheidsanalyse
  • Product vervuiling
  • Metingen