Advanced Joining Technologies for
High-Temperature and Cryogenic Applications

At Mat-Tech, we specialise in vacuum brazing, diffusion bonding and soldering.
We deliver custom solutions for customer specific needs, with a focus on precision and innovation.
We are constantly pushing the boundaries of joining possibilities with a team of researchers in material science.

Welcome to Mat-Tech

We specialise in the development, optimization, and testing of joining solutions. Our team brings extensive technical knowledge and research resources to the client, ensuring that you receive cost-efficient solutions that maximize product life. Our focus on innovation means that we help our clients develop a unique product. Whether it’s fluxless soft soldering, lead-free soldering, inductive soldering, or high-temperature brazing, we have the expertise to help you develop a competitive edge in your product.

Mat-Tech Development & Testing, alongside Mat-Tech Production, operate out of the Netherlands and the UK helping customers in Europe, the UK and worldwide develop products with unique joining solutions.


Development and testing


The American Welding Society (AWS) will be holding the 9th International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC) in Charleston, South Carolina, USA from April 14th -17th 2024. IBSC brings together scientists and engineers involved in the research, development, and application of brazing and soldering across the industry. Plenary lectures, technical and educational sessions held throughout the 3 days will bring together the expertise, advancements, and innovations from the brazing and soldering society worldwide. Mat-Tech, as a member of AWS, will also be presenting an article on Joining Molybdenum and TZM Alloy to Graphite by means of brazing and diffusion bonding.