Knowledge Centre
Mat-Tech closely follows international developments in the field of high-tech brazing. Mat-Tech Development & Testing Department has access to new and fundamental research in the field, and is also actively involved in a number of international projects. The knowledge that Mat-Tech acquires is shared with our clients, industry peers and other parties where there is a common ground in high-tech brazing. We are actively sharing our knowledge at fairs, seminars and on this platform as well as other media. Some of the projects Mat-Tech are involved in are as follows:
Brazing and Diffusion Bonding TZM to Graphite Using Cu, Ti, Pd and Cr Filler Metals
Brazing and Diffusion Bonding TZM to Graphite Using Cu, Ti, Pd and Cr Filler Metals  M.H. Biglari, A. Miles, H. Schoonderwaldt and A.A. Kodentsov
Residueless Soldering with Bi-In
Thermo-mechanical stresses that built up from cool-down after soldering will affect the overall longevity performance of such devices. To mitigate this negative effect, soldering temperature
The Young-Laplace Equation
The shape of a liquid drop is governed by what is known as the Young-LaPlace equation. It was derived more or less simultaneously by Thomas
Young’s Law
The relation between surface tension and contact angles as a measure for the wetting capability is due to Thomas Young (1804). A short derivation is
Brazing of Aluminium Alloys with Higher Magnesium Content
One can braze the higher Mg-content heat-treatable AA-6082 series Al alloys, (containing Mg, Si, Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Ti), with a near-eutectic Al-Si filler metal
Diffusion Bonding and Brazing in 3D
This combination of technologies is essential in designing various plate and shell-type heat-exchangers. Application is shown in the joining of two-phase (α+β) Ti-6Al-4V (ASTM Grade