Knowledge Centre
Mat-Tech closely follows international developments in the field of high-tech brazing. Mat-Tech Development & Testing Department has access to new and fundamental research in the field, and is also actively involved in a number of international projects. The knowledge that Mat-Tech acquires is shared with our clients, industry peers and other parties where there is a common ground in high-tech brazing. We are actively sharing our knowledge at fairs, seminars and on this platform as well as other media. Some of the projects Mat-Tech are involved in are as follows:
The Molar Specific Heat of Metals
In 1819 Pierre Louis Dulong and Alexis Thérèse Petit found that the specific molar heat for metals is approximately 3 R @ 25 J/K. Here
Joining of High Purity Copper for Compact Linear Collider Structure
The material of CLIC accelerating structure disks is high conductivity Oxygen-free-electronic Cu. Fabrication of the CLIC disk stack occurs through diffusion bonding. I. Introduction The
Solder as Alternative Joining Material for Solar Panel Assembly
Soldering with low-temperature Pb-free alloys is a viable replacement for conductive adhesives in back-contacted solar panels. I. Introduction In the quest for replacements for the